Thursday, June 18, 2015

Jessica, Quin and my mom visit May 2015

It's been a month since Jessica and Quin flew home.  
It was so fun to have them (and my mom) visit us in May. 

I was hoping to teach Quin (16 months at the time) some words,
but instead he learned some animal sounds - kack for duck and mao for cat and ta-da!
Quin loved our animals but it was a little one-sided.  He got hen pecked and cat scratched, but still followed them around.

Love playing board games with company!

Me and mom hikng along river trail in Merrimack

Four Generations at New Castle, NH

   Mother's Day  we went to the beach for a relaxing afternoon.  Jessica is such a good mommy!

Sandwich anyone? 
With Jason and Curtis

Quin loved mini golf!  He added a level of difficulty to the game because he kept taking the golf balls.

A fun afternoon at See Children's Museum with Curtis

Making bubbles with Uncle Curtis

Love this cute guy!
Can't wait to see them in August in Oregon!


Sweet Polly Purebred said...

Definitely a cutie!

Eldon and Janeil Olsen said...

It was fun to visit you! Even if you do put me to work. We have lots a fun too. The Dodge world is amazing.

brenda said...

Great pictures! There is a tiny rainbow at the bottom of the one with Jessica and Quinat the beach. And I love the four generations!